Wound Care Decubitus Simulator Model
Wound care decubitus simulator model
The most comprehensive model of its kind, molded from a 74-year-old patient, looks and feels like the real thing. All four stages of pressure ulcers are displayed ā some with the additional complications of undermining, tunneling, sinus track, fistula, slough, infection, and exposed bone.
Also displayed are an unstageable eschar, a sutured wound, herpes, and candidiasis. Displaying the following pressure ulcers* (NPUAP 2007 – National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel): Stage I, Stage II, Stage III with undermining, tunneling, subcutaneous fat and slough, deep Stage IV with exposed bones, undermining, tunneling, subcutaneous fat, eschar and slough.
Also shown are a suspected DTI (Deep Tissue Injury), unstageable full eschar/slough wound, and a 5 1/2ā dehisced wound. The Stage III and Stage IV are positioned so that a ābridgingā dressing for use with a vacuum assisted closure and negative pressure wound therapy devices can be demonstrated and practiced.
Demonstrate and practice wound cleansing, classification, staging, and assessment, as well as the measurement of wound length, depth, undermining, and tunneling. All types of dressings including alginate biosynthetic, collagen, gauze, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, skin substitutes, transparent films, and wound fillers can be applied. The positioning of the wounds permits multiple dressing to be demonstrated at the same time. Dimensions: 12ā x 13 1/2ā x 6ā Sh. wt. 6.0 lbs.