Skull Model Premier Facial Musculature Anatomical Model
Premier Muscled Skull Life-Size, brings full dimensionality to the study of head and facial musculature anatomical model. Superior to charts and textbook illustrations which lack depth, this fully three dimensional presentation incorporates life like reproductions of the muscles of facial expression and mastication. Muscles have been molded from a specially formulated material which is flexible, yet tough enough handle to heavy hands on study. Among the muscles represented are: Frontals ā¢ Temporalis ā¢ Orbicularis oculi ā¢ Nasalis ā¢ Levator anguli oris ā¢ Levator labii superioris ā¢ Zygomaticus major ā¢ Zygomaticus minor ā¢ Masseter ā¢ Orbicularis orbis ā¢ Mentalis ā¢ Depressor labii inferioris ā¢ Depressor anguli oris ā¢ Pterigoid ā¢ Mylohyoid ā¢ Left and right digastrics. Ideally suited for anatomy studies, patient education, allied health training, medical-legal documentation, and forensic science. Complete Key Card with illustrated I. 14
Skull Features
- Shows Facial Muscles on 1/2 face
- Fully three dimensional presentation life like Muscles of Facial expression and Mastication
- Left and right digastrics.
- Frontals, Temporalis,Orbicularis oculi
- Nasalis , Levator anguli oris
- Levator labii superioris ā¢ Zygomaticus major
- Zygomaticus minor ā¢ Masseter
- Orbicularis orbis ā¢ Mentalis
- Depressor labii inferioris ā¢ Depressor anguli oris
- Pterigoid ā¢ Mylohyoid
- Life_Size 6.25″ x 8.25″ x 6.25″