Maternal Childbirth Neonatal Birth Obstetric Academy Training Simulators Whole Manikin Or Torso Noelle Simulator
maternal childbirth Noelle Simulator – complete Childbirth Simulators have been part of Maternal and Child health programs for more than 40 years. This comprehensive teaching system combines the best of our patient care simulators include OMNIĀ® Code BlueĀ® pack with the advanced childbirth simulator.
It is designed to provide a complete birthing experience before, during, and after delivery. Resuscitation baby has intubatable airway and patent umbilical vein Three Vulval inserts for postpartum suturing training. Extensible dilating cervix permits students to conduct vaginal exams and record results.
Features for Simulators: NPGRS550, NPGRS551, NPGRS552
- Female Full-size body articulating — NPGRS550
- Female Full-size body articulating — NPGRS551
- Female Full size Torso Upper & Lower — NPGRS552
- Intubatable airway with chest rise —- Not in Torso
- IV arm for meds/fluids —————- Not in Torso
- Multiple fetal heart sounds ———– Not in Torso
- Removable stomach cover ——- all models
- Practice Leopold Maneuvers —– all models
- Four umbilical cords ————– all models
- Two umbilical clamps ————- all models
- Automatic birthing system: rotates the baby when moves through birth canal —– all models
- Measure head descent and cervical dilation —– all models
- Multiple placenta locations ———————- all models
- Dilating cervices ——————————— all models
- Three Vulva for postpartum suturing————– all models
- Practice postpartum suturing on vulval inserts — all models
- Talcum powder, water soluble silicone lubricant — all models
- Instruction Training Manual ———————– all models
- Carrying Bag ————————————– all models
- Model NPGRS550 Include two Babies: Resuscitation Baby And Birthing Articulated Baby with Umbilical Cord & Placenta.
- Models NPGRS551, NPGRS552 Include: One Birthing Articulated Baby & Umbilical Cord & Placenta
- Weight: 95lb — NPGRS551, 99lb — NPGRS550
- Size: 43x22x19″