Horse magnetic therapy leg knee wrap support 16 magnets 1″ diameter each
Horse magnetic therapy leg knee support wrap magnetic universal size adjustable Velcro – one size fit’s all horses.
Universal Horse Leg knee wrap
This uncompromised quality, durable magnetic universal horse wrap design with 16 around ceramic biomagnets 3/4″ diameter each. Supper power each 4000 gauss strong, supper power ceramic biomagnets will deliver a uniformed north polarity biomagnetic field for deep penetration and fast results. Specially designed to fit on any part on front or hind horse leg.
Magnetic universal horse wrap made of special durable, flexible neoprene material ( 3 layers of specially manufactured material for best comfort and results) . The 34″ x 8″ universal magnetic wrap enhances circulation, cellular activity in joints, muscles, tendons & ligaments. Design with three Velcro closures to deliver secure, wear adjustments easy and convenient for all sizes. One size fits all !
Washable in cool, soap water. Our horse magnetic wraps known and used by many horse owners, trainers and veterinarians all over the world.
Color – black
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