Dental Implants Periodontal Gum Disease Moderate & Advanced Stages Model
Implants periodontal gum disease – cross-sectioned model showing periodontal implant mucositis and Peri-Implantitis from early to advanced stages.
The Normal condition Implant is shown on the Left side. The crown of the left and middle implant is removable to show the subgingival Condition (healthy and diseased).
The mobile Implant is at the moderate/advanced stage. An excellent Patient Demonstration Model to explain the patients that intervention in the Earlier Stage increases the possibility for full recovery.
Great Visual demonstration, and Hands-On Periodontal Implant Disease Demonstration Model in Schools, Dental offices for dentist – Patient’s Communication – demonstration, legal presentations. Used in dental and medical schools for educational programs, demonstrations, and student study. Dental Implant Model, made specifically for Dental Schools Programs to teach Students understand Dental Implants periodontal disease,pathology & Implants Training and Experience.