Illustrated Acupuncture Energy Chart Poster
Illustrated Acupuncture Energy Chart Poster
Useful Acupuncture Energy Chart Poster is designed to allow you to quickly locate acupuncture points and learn their specific energies through the use of colorful symbols. Included with the chart is a booklet that shows you how to use the symbols and a guide to the basic principles of Chinese Medicine. This latest version of the Acupuncture Needling Treatment Therapy Chart has greater clarity and accuracy because of digital enhancement. Thousands of copies are in use around the world. This chart has proven essential for students and practitioners. Shown are the Phase (antique) Points, Sccumulation, Hoarary, Connecting and Source, Tonification, and Sedation Points of the 12 Main Meridians as well as the “Windows of the Sky,” the Influential Points and the Points of the Four Seas. The Master, Coupled, and Accumulation Points of the Eight Extra Meridians are Demarcated as are the mu and the shu Points. Color-coded symbols are used to distinguish point categories. A descriptive pamphlet lists the symbols and the energies of the points Shown. Size: 38 x 24″